First posted on August 20, 2012
Lovely chat with you late this morning Izzy, while I folded curry puffs in Sydney, and you made lunch in Melbourne........ Your excitement about the curry puffs reminded me that I needed to re-post the recipe so you can make your own at home. Here it is!
Curry Puffs
oil for sautéing
1 tablespoon fresh ginger chopped fine
1 teaspoon garlic, chopped fine
5 to 6 medium sized potatoes, diced
1 cup peeled and diced sweet potato
1/2 cup frozen peas
2 teaspoons turmeric
1 teaspoon cummin seeds
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
1.5 tablespoons curry powder
2 tablespoons olive oil
Fry the ginger and garlic in hot oil in a heavy based pan, and as they change colour to golden, add the fennel and cumin seeds.
Add the turmeric, curry powder, sweet potato and potato cubes, and stir till the spices have coated the vegetables well.
Add a cupful of water and turn down the heat.
Cook the potato mix until soft, about 20-30 minutes. Stir occasionally, adding more water as needed, a little at a time.
Season to your liking: salt and pepper to taste. Maybe some chilli flakes for more heat if desired.
Add the peas and cook for another few minutes until the mixture is dry and the potatoes smash against the back of a spoon easily.
Leave to cool completely, in fact, best refrigerated before you make the puffs.

This mix also good in a wrap with some torn lettuce or with steamed hot rice and pickles!
To make the puffs:
1 packet of Pampas puff pastry sheets .
2 tablespoons flour mixed with a little warm water to form a thin paste.
1 tablespoon of milk
Remove puff pastry from the freezer and lay each sheet out to thaw separately. If you leave them in a pile, there is a danger they might stick together. You will need two and a half sheets of pastry for this amount of potato mixture.
When the pastry sheet is pliable, use a sharp knife and cut each sheet into six pieces: cut into half from end to end. Then divide into three sections in the opposite direction. See image below.
Holding a piece of pastry in the palm of your hand, place a small spoonful of cold potato mixture into one half of the pastry.
Dampen the edges of the pastry on the three sides with the flour and water mixture. Fold the pastry over, and press down firmly. You can make a decorative edge with a fork.
Arrange on a baking tray lined with baking paper, and cook in a hot oven ( about 190 degrees celsius) until it starts to turn golden. This will be in about 15 to 20 minutes.
At this point, pull out the tray from the oven, and dab each puff with a splash of milk .This will give your puffs a lovely shiny finish.
Cook for a last five minutes, for the milk glaze to set. Serve with a mix of tomato and chilli sauce.
So darling Isabel, a few more steps than usual for how I like to cook (speedy is my game!), but worthwhile in terms of having something stored in the freezer to pull out when you have the munchies.
And my dear Claudie, don't forget apart from the splash of milk for glazing (you can so leave this step out!) this recipe is also vegan!
Also, these are good with a savoury mince, you can follow this same recipe, but with a kg of minced beef.
Here’s a tip: cook the mixture one day, and make the puffs on another! Keep sending me pictures of what you are cooking! xoxo