Mark Best, is one of Australia's most creative and skillful chefs, enjoying an expansive career worldwide. With hatted restaurants, international culinary awards, advisory roles with AEG, cruise ships and luxury hotels, not to mention competing in the successful Netflix series 'The Final Table' he is respected for his far reaching talents.
When I asked Mark what he was up to during this time of isolation, he said he was filming at home and practising his editing skills. Mark is also an avid photographer. I put our three questions to him:
1.Secret naughty food obsession?
Salt and vinegar chips....actually all chips.
2.Memorable thing you ate most recently?
Pizza cooked in my Big Green Egg bbq.
3.Never fail pantry ingredient?
Chinese hot fermented bean paste (豆瓣酱, dòu bàn jiàng)
Follow Mark on instagram for recipes and great food tips @markbest
